Happy New Year! 2019 is here, and with it comes a whole new world of possibilities. What will you accomplish in 2019? How will you grow? Who will come into your life? The next 365 days lie before us, a completely blank page ready to be written on.
However, these next few days are critical to how you start the new year. Because January marks new beginnings, it can also influence the rest of 2019, which means the beginning of the year can affect the end of the year. And of course, you want 2019 to be a great year! If you want to start the new year off on a positive note, check out these seven steps to keep in mind as we dive into 2019.
1. Reflect on 2018.
The first step in starting your new year off right is reflecting on what went right (or wrong) in the previous year. Take some time to reflect on 2018 and evaluate everything you liked, loved or hated. What did you do well? What could you have done differently? Take notes so you can thoroughly examine the previous year.
2. Set achievable goals.
Once you have 2018 in mind, it’s time to move forward into 2019. Imagine the very end of 2019. What do you want your life to look like? Get a vision for the future, and then work your way backwards to set goals for the year. But, make sure these goals are actually achievable, not just impossible dreams that will leave you feeling unaccomplished.
3. Use positive language.
Did you know you can actually speak positivity into your life? How you use words can influence the atmosphere around you and the attitude inside you. Be sure to use positive language throughout your everyday life, but particularly when goal-setting. For instance, instead of “lose weight” a goal could be “exercise three times per week.”
4. Avoid toxic relationships.
Let’s be honest: some people can have a negative influence on our lives. And often—for whatever reason—we let them stay. This year, take proactive steps to avoid toxic relationships which tear you down or make you feel unhealthy. Hopefully the other person will take positive steps in their life to change the behavior, as well.
5. Incorporate positive habits.
Oftentimes, little steps which seem simple can actually have a hugely positive impact on our lives. For instance, take time every morning to relax and read a good book with a cup of coffee. Or, journal about a positive experience you had the previous day. By incorporating small, favorable habits throughout the day, you will feel much more positive overall.
6. Ask for help.
One action that is not positive: trying to handle everything on your own. This independent, “let me handle it” mindset often leads to frustration or defeat. Instead, start the new year off on a positive note by intentionally asking for help when you need it. Not only will it take stress off, but you will have a much better chance of accomplishing your goals.
7. Give back to others.
Ultimately, one of the best ways to incorporate positivity throughout the new year is by giving back to others. Numerous studies and research have shown that volunteering and donating actually have extremely positive effects on the giver, not just the receiver. So if you want to have a positive year in 2019, consider how you can give to those in need in your community.
With the new year comes a whole new world of possibilities for things to do, say or accomplish. If you want to start the new year off on a positive note, consider these seven steps to incorporating positivity into your life. Give them a try and see how your life grows in 2019.